Our story began in 1994, when Deborah Carter, the founder of players drama school embarked upon a wonderful adventure. After years of working in the professional industry, Deborah wanted to create a place for young budding actors to come together and explore the arts, whilst building their personal confidence, right here in the heart of Preston.

The concept of a weekend drama school was then not known, until the 23rd May 1994, with just £30.00 she managed to buy enough masks for Greek Theatre and flyers for advertising.

That morning twenty six pupils arrived at preston playhouse theatre and Players Drama School was born. ‘From that moment on they just kept coming… more and more each week!’

Deborah’s passion for teaching drama and nurturing young talent quickly became evident as Players Drama School continued to grow in popularity. With every passing week, more students enrolled and the school’s reputation spread throughout the community.

Players Drama School provided a safe and creative space for young people to express themselves and explore the world of theatre. Deborah’s teaching style encouraged her students to take risks, be confident and above all, have fun.

Over the years, Players Drama School has produced countless talented actors, many of whom have gone on to pursue successful careers in the entertainment industry. Deborah’s vision has truly made a lasting impact on the lives of so many young people, and her legacy lives on through the ongoing success of the school.